Mehmet Bicakci, M.A.

Mehmet Bicakci

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Projekt MesH_MINT

Institut für Psychologie
Lehrstuhl für Pädagogische Psychologie und Exzellenzforschung

Raum: Raum 01.523
90478 Nürnberg

Academic Degrees

2012-2016: B.S. Degree: Teacher, Special Education.

2018-2020: Master of ArtsThesis title: A comparison of personality traits and cultural orientations in adolescents identified versus unidentified as gifted.

2020-today: Ph.D.: Hacettepe University, Department of Gifted Education. 


2017-2019: Lehrer für Sonderpädagogik im Türkischen Ministerium für Nationale Bildung.

2019-2022: Koordinator am Forschungs- und Anwendungszentrum für Hochbegabte der Universität Hacettepe (ETSN European Talent Point).

2019-2023: Forschungsassistent an der Abteilung für Begabtenförderung der Universität Hacettepe.

2022-2023: Gastwissenschaftler at Lehrstuhl für Pädagogische Psychologie und Exzellenzforschung der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

2022-2023: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, ‚Global Talent Mentoring‘ Lehrstuhl Pädagogische Psychologie der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

2023-today: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, ‚MeshMINT“ Lehrstuhl Pädagogische Psychologie der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.



  • Bicakci, M. (2023). Exploring the relationship between socioeconomic status and identification of gifted in Turkey through critical systems thinking. Hacettepe University Journal of Education. 38(2), 186-200.
  • YüreğilliGöğsu, D.,Şakar, S. N., Bicakci, M., & Köksal M.S. (2021). Full-time Schooling for Gifted Students in Turkey: What Teachers and Experts Say about This? Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 10(3), 208-230.
  • BicakciM.,& Baloğlu M. (2021). A Bibliometric Analysis on Personality Research of Gifted Individuals (1957-2020). Journal of Uludag University Faculty of Education34(Special Issue), 125-157.
  • Bicakci, M.,& Baloğlu, M. (2021)Gifted underachievement: characteristics, causes and intervention. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 22(3), 771-798.
  • Bicakci, M.,Köksal, M. S., & Baloglu, M. (2021).A savant case from Turkey: Cognitive functions and calendar calculation. Clinical Psychology and Special Education, 10(1), 1-14.
  • Bilgic, Ş., Sakar, S. N., Bicakci, M., & Baloglu, M. (2020). Üstün zekalı imajının çeşitli dillerdeki görseller aracılığı ile karşılaştırmalı incelemesi [A comparative analysis of the gifted stereotype through images in various languages]. Yeni Türkiye, 115(Özel yetenekliler özel sayısı-II), 380-388.
  • Bicakci, M. (2019). Özel yetenekte ebeveyn faktörü [The parental factor in giftedness]. Araştırmadan Uygulamaya Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 1(6), 72-78.
  • Bicakci, M.,Olçay-Gül, S. (2019). Effect of peer-delivered social stories on the crossing skills of primary school students with developmentaldisabilities. Education and Science, 44(199), 257-278.  
  • BicakciM.,& Baloğlu M. (2018).  Creativity in Research with Gifted Samples in Turkey.  İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 19(3), 327-343.,

Bücher und Kapitel

  • Bicakci, M. (In preparation). Bridging the missing link on giftedness and underachiever labels research: Embracing symbolic interactionism. Studies in Symbolic Interaction: A Bi-Annual Book Series.(Vol. 59).
  • Schwartz, B. M., Landrum, R. E., & Gurung, R. A. R. (2021). AnEasyGuideto APA Style [APA Stilini Kolaylaştırıcı Bir Kılavuz] (Trans. Ed. M. Bicakci). Nobel Academic Publishing.

Konferenzbeiträge, Präsentationen und Hauptvorträge

  • Bicakci, M., & Ziegler, A. (2023, August 4-5). Exploring Personal and Social Judgments and Emotional Reactions to the Gifted Label: A Cross-Cultural Study. [Paper presentation]. Virtual World Council for Gifted and Talented Children World Conference.
  • Bicakci, M. (2023, May 5). A comparison of cultural orientations in gifted and non-gifted adolescents [Paper presentation]. AERA’23 Virtual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States.
  • Ziegler, A., & Bicakci, M. (2023, January 26). Labeling the gifted: An overview of four core challenges [Keynote address]. Gifted Students: Nomen est Omen, Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zliné, Zlin, Czechia.
  • Bicakci, M. (2022, October 12). Labeling the gifted: A persistent predicament [A colloquium presentation]. Forschungskolloquium, Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Regensburg University, Germany.
  • Koksal, İ., & Bicakci, M. (2021, October 11-14). Özel yetenekliler hakkındaki felsefi görüşler [Philosophical views on the gifted] [Paper presentation]. International Congress on Gifted and Talented Education (IGATE’21), Ankara, Turkey.
  • Bicakci, M., Yagbasanlar, O., & Akkus, Ş. K. (2021, October 11-14). Özel yetenekli bireylere eğitim veren öğretmenler ile örgün eğitim okullarındaki öğretmenlerin kişilik özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması [Comparison of personality traits of teachers who educate gifted individuals and teachers in formal education schools] [Paper presentation]. International Congress on Gifted and Talented Education (IGATE’21), Ankara, Turkey.
  • Bicakci, M., & Tan, S. (2021, October 11-14). The forced-choice dilemma in giftedness [Paper presentation]. International Congress on Gifted and Talented Education (IGATE’21), Ankara, Turkey.
  • Bicakci, M., & Baloglu, M. (2021, August 31 – September 2). Association between culture and personality among gifted Turkish high school students [Paper presentation]. 17th International Conference of the European Council of High Ability (ECHA 2021), Porto, Portugal.
  • Bicakci,, M., & Bulgurcu, S. (2021, October 11-14). Examining the predictive role of implicit intelligence theories in career orientation [Paper presentation]. International Congress on Gifted and Talented Education (IGATE’21), Ankara, Turkey.
  • Bicakci. M. (2020, December 23). Document analysis of the studies on the cultural orientations of the gifted individuals [Paper presentation]. 8. International Congress on Social Sciences – Humanities and Education, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Bicakci, M. & Baloglu, M. (2020, October 16-18). Özel yeteneklilerin kişilik özellikleri hakkında yapılan araştırmalarının bibliyometrik analizi (1957-2020) [Bibliometric analysis of research on the personality traits of gifted individuals (1957-2020)] [Paper presentation]. 30. Ulusal Özel Eğitim Kongresi, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Bicakci, M., Baloglu, M., & Bilgic, Ş. (2020, October 16-18). Özel yeteneğin kültürel bağlamda incelenmesi [Examining giftedness in a cultural context] [Paper presentation]. 30. Ulusal Özel Eğitim Kongresi, Bursa, Türkiye.
  • Baloglu, M., & Bicakci, M. (2019, November 1-3). Giftedness in psycho-social context [Keynote address]. International Congress on Gifted and Talented Education (IGATE’19), Malatya, Turkey.
  • Bicakci, M., & Koksal, M. S. (2019, November 1-3). A Turkish savant: Calendar calculation, superior verbal short term and autobiographical memory [Paper presentation]. International Congress on Gifted and Talented Education (IGATE’19), Malatya, Turkey.
  • Bicakci, M., & Baloglu, M. (2019, November 1-3). Reversing the underachievement [Paper presentation]. International Congress on Gifted and Talented Education (IGATE’19), Malatya, Turkey.
  • Bicakci, M., Olcay-Gul, S. (2019, September 29–30). Effect of peer delivered social stories on the crossing skills of primary school students with developmental disabilities [Paper presentation]. Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) 10th International Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Bicakci, M., & Baloglu, M. (2018, November 1-3). Creativity in research with gifted samples in Turkey [Paper presentation]. International Congress on Gifted and Talented Education (IGATE’18), Malatya, Turkey.
  • Bicakci, M., & Baloglu, M. (2018, October 11-13). Özel yeteneklilerin kişilik özellikleri: Bir literatür taraması [Personality traits of the gifted: A literature review] [Paper presentation]. 28. Ulusal Özel Eğitim Kongresi, Eskisehir, Turkey.


  • 2023 – 2024 / American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • 2023 – 2024 / World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC)
  • 2022 – Present – Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI)


  • 2023 / Virtual World Council for Gifted and Talented Children World Conference Participation Scholarship
  • 2019 / Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications Addressed in Turkey (UBYT) Award.